BPAC leads third annual Halloween ride

Happy Halloween! BPAC celebrated the holiday by organizing our third annual Halloween ride through the spectacularly spooky streets of Del Ray. This year, we offered both a morning and evening ride. The route went past a graveyard filled with purple fog, a CarnEVIL, Boo Orleans, and many other well-decorated houses. 

It was particularly fun to see so many different ways of getting kids on bikes: kids in handlebar seats, kids on longtail seats, kids in trailers, and kids on their own bikes. Kudos to Theodore, who teamed up with his dad to sweep on the morning ride — and who might be our youngest and cutest volunteer ever. 

Here are some photos from the ride:

If you’d like to do the ride at your own time and pace, the route is at https://ridewithgps.com/routes/41307524

Many thanks to all the volunteers who helped on the ride!